Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm What?!?!

Here is the story about how we found out I was pregnant -

On Wednesday February 9th I was having a pity party for myself because it was my birthday, Scott was in Las Vegas for work, and I was alone. I was looking at my calendar at work figuring out when Scott got home when I realize "um, I am a week late". For the next 4 hours at work I was trying to calculate how that couldn't be. I mean, I am horrible with math so, of course, I just added, subtracted, multiplied or divided wrong. Right?!?!? I was in complete and utter denial. I went home and ate a pint of ice cream for dinner. It was my birthday after all I could eat whatever I wanted! I was the same way on Thursday, trying to figure out how I had some how added the days up wrong - this continued through Friday afternoon. By lunch on Friday I decided that I would buy a pregnancy test after work. I would only have to know for a few hours, if I was or wasn't for a few hours before Scott got home.

Um no one ever told me how expensive pregnancy tests are! I decided that since I was going to pee on this thing and then throw it away I was getting the cheapest one I could find and if needed I would come back and get another kind if I didn't like the answer.

Took the test and before the 2- minutes were up the + sign showed up. Huh - I guess I am pregnant! And then Scott's plane gets delayed! Are you kidding me!?!?! So around 11:00 Scott walks in the door and both he and I are exhausted. We sort of talked and then went to bed. I didn't want to tell him when I knew he was tired (aka - hung over).

At 6:30 Virgil and I get up and go downstairs. I am telling Scott as soon as he wakes up! The longest 3. HOURS. LATER! I hear Scott get up and go into the bathroom. I run up the stairs and both Virgil and I jump in the bed, patiently, NOT, waiting on Scott to come out.

When he comes out I tell him that I need to tell him something - I am pregnant. He gets this goofy grin and says really? and I just shake my head yes because I start hysterically crying. And I mean, not able to breathe, sobbing, snot coming out my nose, face contorted crying! Scott was just hugging me saying he was happy.


  1. So happy for y'all, Alex. Just think, by the holidays, you'll be living in paradise with a gorgeous bebe!


  2. *Sniff....sniff....

    *wipes eyes.

    AWWWWWWWWWWwwwwww!!! That is a very lucky child who is joining your family :)
