Sunday, February 20, 2011

Believe the Skype!!!

As our (my) travels have increased over the past month, Alex & I have been spending more time apart than normal. So to help with seeing each other, we’ve turned to Skype. I know somewhere my work is screaming that Adobe Connect is the way to go, but right now Skype seems to be working great. I mean, come on, Oprah loves it (“Myyyyy Faaavvvoooorite Thiiiiiings!!!” **Oprah Voice**)…

Alex and I found that the time zone difference made it a bit challenging, but I was able to log-on early (very early) in the morning to chat with Alex. It allowed me to make sure Virgil is being taken care of too. I must say it eased the difficulty of being away to see Alex and the pets during the week.

Now don’t think that we’re only saving Skype for our conversations though. In fact, I’ve used it a few times to chat with Mom & Dad back home in Kentucky. And if you’re wondering how easy it is to use… Mom would attest to the fact that we got everything up and running in a matter of minutes. Finally, the true test of Skyping came this afternoon as Alex & I were able to chat with our friends Casey & Kelly Mudd (Muda & K. Muda). And by chat… I mean a 2-hour conversation that covered topics such as planning a Vegas vacation, our Hawaii move, the pets and even the final laps of the Daytona 500. There was even a rumor that Alex and Kelly have scheduled an Oscar Watch Party over Skype for next Sunday… stay tuned for more details on that.

So, we’ve found that regardless if you only want to quickly catch up or if you’re looking to critique celebrities on the Red Carpet… Skype is a great way to go.

Download, Log-on and join us… ScottyMc22 (me) & asilvergoose (Alex).

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Scott and I crossed one more item off our New Jersey Bucket List! Sandwiches from RU Hungry Grease Truck. I ordered the Fat Cat and Scott ordered the Fat Darrel.

Fat Cat - Double cheese burger, french fries, lettuce, tomato, mayo and ketchup

Fat Darrel - Chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks, marinara sauce, and french fries

I can totally see why people LOVE these sandwiches. We overheard one girl say as she was leaving “time to go home, eat, and lay in bed all day” So true! Full belly nap is calling my name.

To give you an idea of what we just ate - I found this quote - "Dietitian Marcus Garand has pointed out the Fat Sandwich's general unhealthiness: a Fat Darrell, has about 1,718 calories, 143 grams of carbohydrates and 78 grams of fat. Garand stated, "This sandwich is like a nutritionist's worst nightmare. I couldn't figure out a way to make it any unhealthier. ... This is probably the unhealthiest sandwich you could ever devise."

But sooooo good!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Appointments, Appointments, Appointments

This week has been all about making appointments

Friday Bob and Virgil go to the vet to start their paperwork and blood work. Next Tuesday Miss G goes in for her appointment (we all know she has to have her own). And Wednesday I meet with the first of two Realtors.

Bob and Virgil together at the vet will be an adventure. They love each other but have completely different ride-in-the-car styles. Virgil - LOVES IT! Bob -not so much. I am sure many of you have heard me tell you the story of Bob on the ride to New Jersey when we moved here - for those who haven’t heard the story - Bob meowed the. whole. way. to. Jersey. People would call to check in and I would whisper or not answer because Bob would meow louder and more frequently. At one point Virgil stood on topof Bob’s cage, trying to will him to be quite. It did not work. It was the longest drive of my life.

And we all know why Miss G is on her own - she scares me

Saturday, February 5, 2011

First Post

Well here is our attempt at blogging - we decided it was easier to start a blog to updated everyone on our move to Hawaii.

As of today -
Scott has cleaned out his side of the closet and I have started the blog. Not much progress but it is progress.
Monday Scott leaves for Las Vegas to attend the National Sales Meeting as a DSM! And I will be taking all the animals to the vet to begin the entry paperwork...

It is currently 34 in Somerset New Jersey and 68 in Honolulu Hawaii